The action-packed Acura anime series, Chiaki’s Journey, returns today for its highly-anticipated second season with four new entertaining episodes. Introducing the new 2024 Acura Integra Type S, the most powerful, best performing Integra ever, the turbocharged new season of Chiaki’s Journey will debut during the 48th annual Acura Grand Prix of Long Beach.
Friday, April 14, 2023
Wednesday, April 12, 2023
2024 Acura Integra Type S
Monday, April 3, 2023
Airbag Technology Earns Honda Engineer the Highest Safety Engineering Excellence Award from U.S. Government
Honda safety engineer Eric Heitkamp today received the highest honor bestowed by the U.S. Department of Transportation for his work in leading the creation of a groundbreaking front passenger airbag design. Heitkamp accepted the U.S. Government Award for Safety Engineering Excellence at the 2023 Enhanced Safety of Vehicles (ESV) conference in Yokohama, Japan. Designed to decrease the chance of serious brain injury, the new passenger front airbag technology is now standard equipment in the Acura MDX, Acura TLX and Honda Pilot.
The U.S. Government Awards for Safety Engineering Excellence recognize individuals who have made exceptional scientific contributions in the field of motor vehicle safety engineering and for distinguished service to the motoring public. This is the 2nd consecutive excellence award won by a U.S.-based Honda engineer, with Sue Bai recognized at the 2019 ESV conference, the last time these awards were presented, for industry-leading efforts in connected vehicle technology.
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