Tuesday, February 9, 2010

Q&A From Winter 2010 Acura Style

Q: I will be traveling to an area where I may need to use snow chains on my 2008 TSX. What product does Acura recommend?

A: If road conditions require extra traction equipment, Acura recommends SCC Radial Chain CH2412T, a cable-type chain made by Security Chain Company. Always follow your vehicle Owner's Manual when selecting traction aids, because improperly installed or incorrectly sized traction devices can damage your vehicle's break lines, suspension, body and wheels.

Traction products for other Acura models can be found at www.scc-chain.com and www.qualitychaincorp.com.

Q: I'm having difficulty dialing numbers that aren't in my phone book. Can you give me a few tips on operating the Bluetooth feature on my 2007 MDX with navigation system?

A: To dial a number not stored in your Bluetooth HandsFreeLink(R) phone book, press and release the "Talk" button, wait for the beep and in a clear, natural speaking voice say, "Dial," and state the phone number. Be sure to close the windows and moonroof first, to minimize background noise.

Your 2007 MDX also has a help feature where you can review a list of voice commands: just press "Talk," wait for the beep, then say, "HandsFreeLink help." Your command can be repeated to you.

For more info and a cell phone compatibility chart, visit www.acura.com/handsfreelink.

Q: I would like to change the automatic door lock and unlock settings on my 2009 TL. Where can I find out how to do this?

A: You can find this information in a few places. The fastest and easiest is the Quick Start Guide, under Personalized Settings. Another great source is the Door Lock Settings video at myacura.com. And of course, the vehicle Owner's Manual has everything you need to know about your car.

Essentially, your TL has two memory settings. The personalized settings include door locks, seat and outside mirror positions, climate control and radio settings. Save your preferences immediately by pressing the "Memo" button on the driver's door and the number that matches your key fob -- either 1 or 2.

Have a question you'd like answered in the next Acura Style magazine? Write to acurastyle@javelincp.com

For technical questions, call Acura Client Services directly at 1-800-382-2238.

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